Hello to MacArthur Beach from the mountains – Heard the weather is not warm in Venice. I can assure you that it is warmer than Aspen, CO.

We had good attendance at the January Board meeting. There are a number of points that Jack (Thacker) wants to emphasize to all owners.

1) Some units had leaks during the recent heavy rains. Besides telling Tom O., please make sure you file a SMG Work Order so we have documentation. This also goes for any concerns/repairs other than leaks. The Work Order can be found on our web site. (Tom has been pursuing the cause of these leaks and is having all possibilities checked out in the next few weeks.)

2) Hot water heaters generally last 10 years. If your is nearly that, please keep a close eye and think about replacing.

3) Some owners have put combination locks on their units. If you have done so, please make sure that Tom O. can gain access in case of emergency.

4) Also, car keys – if you leave a car, give your watcher a set of keys in case your car needs to be moved.

5) Our Association pays our flood insurance in February. If you need to update with your mortgage company, information will be available then. Go to cert@Atlasins.com

Tom (Pierce) gave a detailed financial report regarding the end of the year numbers. During 2023, MacArthur Beach spent almost $1million on large projects. We still ended 2023 with approximately $11,000 surplus. (And this included $23,000 unanticipated Hurricane Ian costs.) Tom cited some reasons for our financial stability – we employ a professional management company, we have an excellent property manager with over 25 years experience, and we have an active BOD with a president who is on site year round. However, we will need to do another assessment in 2024. It will be between $3,000-$5,000 and will be due in May. Tom needs more facts before he can give a definite number.

The North Gate is in an open position and will be until it is replaced. The mechanism is 26 years old and antiquated.

The booster pump in the High Rise has been replaced and is in good working order.

The investigation of the modernization of the High Rise elevator is proceeding. Jack should have more information at the February meeting.

The High Rise roof replacement has been slow due to weather conditions. Hopefully, progress will continue soon.

Thank you to all who returned the HR window questionnaire. The responses are being tabulated and the committee will report at the February meeting.

REMINDER: Our Annual Meeting is February 9th at 4pm. Hope to see you there.

Respectfully submitted,
Yvette Peterson (#218)