Hello to all and a special thanks to anyone who attended the very long March Board Meeting. We did have a lot of important business to get through. Joan introduced our new Social Committee Chair – Vivienne Porter. And Ann introduced our new Welcome Committee – Cathy Haas, Mary Kubiak, Linda Martin, Judy Wood. Big thanks to those volunteers.

And once again, if any other owners are interested in participating, please contact these committees directly.

Re-cycling helps reduce our trash bill. For those in residence and those who have renters, please review the re-cycling info. It is posted on the bulletin boards in the high rise and the mail room. It is also posted by the re-cycling bins.

Tom Pierce explained operating expenses and reserve funds. We are in “good shape” financially but if you have any questions he is available and does a good job of breaking it down.

We have switched companies for the structural work in the area of 127/227. Tom O. is in the midst of getting the new contract signed. The baseboards on every floor of the high rise will be painted soon. There will be some re-piping under the Mid Rise in May. Tom O. is also investigating sidewalk re-surfacing.

The pool will be getting a much deserved face lift in September 2022. That is a firm date. There has been no major work done on the pool for 17 years. During the work, the pool will be shut down. It will take 4 weeks and be worth it!

The Environmental Committee made a detailed report on EV charging stations. We are in the preliminary stages of this study. More info will follow at a later date.

Reminder to pet owners: Pets need to be registered at the office and on a leash when on the property.

High Rise Residents: Please be aware that garbage odors travel up the chute. Double bag if necessary.

I’ve been asked to remind everyone that turtle nesting season is May – November. Please follow the appropriate measures i.e. closing curtains at night and no outside lighting.

AND……drum roll please…..
We are having a St. Patrick’s Day Party! March 17th Please come
Contact Vivienne Porter for particulars if you haven’t already received a flyer.
By text 216-410-5674
Email vivienne.porter@yahoo.com

Respectfully submitted,
Yvette Peterson (#218) (VP/Secretary)