Hello to All!

Time to say goodbye to 2021 and hello to 2022. May the coming year hold health and hope for us all.

I would like to welcome the many new owners we have here at MacArthur Beach. The online directory is up-to-date so the contact information is current.

I am happy to announce that we have a new operational pool cover. That will help our heating bills during any cold spell this winter. The pool deck has been painted and looks great.

Many owners came in the fall including our friends from Canada who haven’t been here in 2 years.

At the Budget Meeting, the Board approved the 2022 budget. (All owners received a copy in regular mail.) If you have any questions, please contact our Treasurer, Tom Pierce.

Thank you to all owners who rent directly. We have some wonderful long-term renters because of you. Reminder: The Association should be receiving a $100 processing fee from each renter. Thanks.

We’ve had a busy holiday season here – many family and friends enjoying the Florida sunshine. Please make sure that our Rules and Regulations pamphlet is readily available in each condo.

With sadness we note the passing of 2 long-time residents – Jack Simermeyer and Sue Murszewski. They will be missed.

Reminder that our Annual Meeting is February 1st. If you cannot attend in person, please try to do so virtually.

Respectfully submitted,
Yvette Peterson (#218) (VP/Secretary)