Hello to all!

Our May Board meeting was once again conducted via Zoom. The June meeting (6/4/2021) will also be via Zoom. Our Board President is hoping that by the fall we will be able to meet in person. Remember – we encourage any and all residents to attend no matter what “forum” we use.

A resident had a question regarding our minutes. (These are posted on the website after the Board approves which is at the following month’s meeting.) The minutes are an abbreviated version of the meeting that cites board votes and owner comments. I have instituted my monthly update for additional info. Any feedback is appreciated.

Our Treasurer reported that we are slightly below budget for the year as of the end of April.

The Board voted unanimously to extend the current TV contract with Comcast for another 5 years. (Without a change to the MacArthur Beach ByLaws, we are bound to provide cable TV.) However, during the next 5 years, we will work on removing that language. We will also look at the Association documents in total to determine what other language needs to be updated.
The Wind Mitigation Reports on the low and mid rise are complete. Tom Pierce will meet with our insurance agent and get back to us in June.

Paul Horstman gave a detailed report on the condition of the stairs in the low rise and made suggestions as to how to proceed. He has assigned “urgent need” to some areas and this will be Phase 1. Work will begin as soon as possible.

The tennis courts need to be re-conditioned sooner than expected. The money has been approved and the work will begin in July. Cars parked underneath may need to be moved. Tom O. will let us know.

We are dealing with some leaks from the large windows in the low rise. Tom O. will meet with Karins Engineering and report on how to proceed.

A big thank you to Judy Wood for purchasing, planting, and maintaining the geraniums at the pool. How many years now?

And last….but certainly not least…on May 7, 2021, Tom Obermeier celebrated (I hope so!) 22 years at MacArthur Beach. And many more to come….

Respectfully submitted,
Yvette Peterson (VP/Secretary)